The rough path of life,here I Am.
Maybe its just a little part of difficulties that your way could have,
but you think its the hardest thing that ive ever done.
Hey Man please do not Live just in your own path ,
see other LIFEs then you will find out
"How beautiful is my life".
In the way of life you should be ready for each unpleasant happen,
Dont say" It wont happen for me,ever never"
just be canscious and awake.
There is a Idiom in persian that says:
The humans Love will bring Gods Love.
so do not fear,go across,in the heart,which has great power,
the power that will make you another person,
but dont be weak at all,
Love is like a high preasure electricity that if you
control it,it will be so beneficial but if not.............. . |